Monday, July 19, 2010

One MILLION Things

A lot of things have caught my eyeballs in the past...24 hours or so. Let's just start with the most recent and work our way backwards! PS - I just found a folder on my computer named "Things I Like" and another called "Pretty," both of which were chock full of images. You'll be seeing some of them today, and some of them at a later date.

 Keds Collective is a collaboration between Keds and designers, artists and musicians and the results are pretty effin great.
The image kinda says it all.
Tiny bit in love with these ultra preppy clothes. And the name is cute.
The Glue Society is a collective that does art and advertising, and other stuff too. The image is an example of one of their sculptures. Look closely, you can see that guy's junk.
Again, the image says it all, but visit the website for more well-designed homewares.
6/ Words (FFFFOUND!)
Ffffound has about 50 of these bad pictures with words over them. Some of them are real dumb, but some are nice.
7/ Better words (still FFFFOUND!)
Ffffound also has some good things. Like these.
This is one from my long list of bookmarks. It's the exterior of the Michelbergerhotel in Berlin. It's a pretty happening place, I've heard, and the interior's sweet as well.
9/ Food: I like food a lot, and these are my two current favorite things (besides, obviously, toasted baguette sandwiches with hummus and tomato).
The first is Folger's Black Silk coffee, which is black as night and I like it.
The second is Pepperidge Farm's 15 grain bread; this bread is awesome and I'll tell you why. When I buy bread, I always have to decide, do I want some hearty whole grain bread that will have more calories and fat but be more satisfying? Or do I want the lighter loaf that is fewer calories but ultimately less satisfying? This is the PERFECT blend of the two. It's light on cals and fat but feels hearty. I'm clearly in love.
Gilt Group is a member's only sale website and one of their current sales is Thomas Paul who does some fantastic things with textiles.
Found my perfect job, Women's Print and Artwork Designer, at Urban Outfitter's. Requirements include forecasting fashion trends, researching print and art trend directions, shop and observe street fashion and rework artwork into prints for the UO customer. Plus it may require some overseas travel...bonus. PS - love those brogues.

 Coming soon to a computer screen near you.
Today I went shopping for supplies to make my own headbands. Wednesday Lulu and I are going to be trying our best to actually make them; we'll see how that goes. I mean, obvi it will be fabulous...unless we eff it up. Then it'll just be funny.

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